Privacy Policy for

Revision Date: February 29, 2024

BluRooDev, LLC, registered in South Dakota, United States ("BluRooDev," "us," "we," or "our"), owns and distributes the BluRoo ("the App") formerly named LV BluRooProtocols. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you use our App.

Table of Contents:

1. Data Collection

2. Use of Third-Party Services

3. Data Collection Methods

4. Data Sharing

5. Data Retention and Deletion

6. In-App Purchases and Financial Transactions

7. Social Media and Geolocation Services

8. Regional Availability and Compliance

9. EU Citizen Rights Under GDPR

10. CCPA Compliance

11. Nevada Privacy Rights

12. User Age Requirements

13. Updates and Notifications

14. Contact Us

  1. Data Collection

    We do NOT collect usernames or use geolocation tracking within the App. However, if you contact us via email for support, feedback, or other inquiries, we may collect the following information:


    Email address

    Screenshots of the App

    Users utilizing the App via TestFlight are subject to Apple Inc.'s terms and conditions

  2. Use of Third-Party Services

    We use RevenueCat for payment processing, subscriptions, and tracking user purchase and subscription history. RevenueCat may collect identifiable information, including name and email address. No other third-party services are used for advertising or analytics.

  3. Data Collection Methods

    All user-inputted data is stored locally on the user's device. We do not use cookies, trackers, or other data collection technologies.

  4. Data Sharing

    Data collected by RevenueCat may be shared with us for the purposes outlined in section 2. RevenueCat is committed to the same or equal data protection standards as we are.

    User Information is crucial for customer service and app development. BluRooDev, LLC will never share personal User Information with third parties without the User's prior consent. BluRooDev, LLC may share anonymized, aggregated statistics with external parties, such as the percentages of users from a specific region. BluRooDev, LLC may disclose your Information in adherence to legal obligations or to exercise our legal rights.

  5. Data Retention and Deletion

    You may delete your information by uninstalling the App. For inquiries related to data stored by RevenueCat, you can contact RevenueCat or us directly.

  6. In-App Purchases and Financial Transactions

    The App offers in-app purchases processed by RevenueCat. RevenueCat does not collect payment information directly from users.

  7. Social Media and Geolocation Services

    The App does not include any social media integrations or collect real-time geolocation information. However, the user's live view location data used within the App is NOT collected or stored by us.

  8. Regional Availability and Compliance

    The App is only available in the United States. The App is primarily designed for use within the United States and is currently only available for download and use by residents in this region. As a result, we adhere to U.S. privacy laws and regulations, including federal and state laws that govern the collection, use, and protection of your personal information.

  9. EU Citizen Rights Under GDPR

    For EU citizens, you have the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

    Access to your personal data.

    Rectification or erasure of your data.

    Restriction of processing.

    Objection to processing.

    Data portability.

    To exercise any of these rights or any rights under GDPR, please contact us at:

  10. CCPA Compliance

    For California residents, you have the following rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

    Right to know what personal information is collected, used, shared, or sold.

    Right to delete personal information held by us.

    Right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information.

    Right to non-discrimination in terms of price or service when you exercise a privacy right under CCPA.

  11. Nevada Privacy Rights

    Under the Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A, Nevada residents have the right to opt out of the sale of certain "covered information" collected by operators of websites or online services. We currently do not sell covered information as defined under Nevada law.

  12. User Age Requirements

    The App is rated for users aged 17 and older. Our Services do not target anyone below the age of 13. We do not intentionally collect personally identifiable Information from children below this age. If we discover a child under 13 has given us personal Information, we will promptly delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and are aware your child has provided us with personal Information, please inform BluRooDev, LLC so we can take appropriate actions.

  13. Updates and Notifications

    We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify users about any changes to our Privacy Policy, especially those related to third-party services like RevenueCat, through in-app notifications.

  14. Contact Us

    For questions about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at:


By using the App, you agree to this Privacy Policy.